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Professional or Clinical Articles for Ozone Therapy


Adult -Onset Diabetes - Oxygenated Blood Can Help

Healing Ozone

AIDS and Cancer Cured by Hyper-Oxygenation

 Ozone: A Wide-Spectrum Healer

Ozone - Breath of Life

The Politics of AIDS and Ozone

Ozone Therapy: Breakthrough for Back Treatment



 Adult -Onset Diabetes - Oxygenated Blood Can Help  return to list

From: Alternative Medicine Magazine

Issue 26, November 1998; Pages 26-28

YOU DON'T normally think of oxygen as a treatment for diabetes, but according to Frank Shallenberger, M.D., H.M.D., director of the Nevada Center of Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine in Carson City, Nevada, ozone (a less stable, more reactive form of oxygen) can produce remarkable improvements in both the major and secondary symptoms of adult- onset diabetes. The connection between the ozone and diabetes is the blood circulation, Dr. Shallenberger says, as demonstrated in the following cases. 

Virginia, 51, had been diabetic for five years and was taking Glucotrol, an oral medication for controlling blood sugar levels. However, Virginia came to Dr. Shallenberger seeking treatment for recurrent breast cancer, a tumor that periodically grew then diminished. 

Dr. Shallenberger decided to ozonate her blood as ozone is often used as a healing substance in alternative cancer treatments. He drew 150 cc of Virginia's blood then injected it with ozone gas. Ozonating the sample of Virginia's blood took about 40 minutes, after which it was re infused into her body. He did this daily to address the cancer. 

What surprised Dr. Shallenberger in this case was that not only the breast cancer responded to ozonation (it started to dissolve) but so did Virginia's diabetes. Her blood sugar levels began dropping too low (a condition called hypoglycemia) indicating that the ozone and Glucotrol were controlling her blood sugar too well. Dr. Shallenberger reduced her Glucotrol dosage to once daily, then soon after, as the low blood sugar trend continued, eliminated the drug altogether. "Practically speaking, Virginia didn't have diabetes any longer," notes Dr. Shallenberger. 

How did ozone bring her diabetes under control? Diabetics always run the risk of complications, such as loss of vision, heart disease, nerve dysfunction, and gangrenous limbs. Diabetics usually have considerable circulation problems such that the actual blood flow to their tissues is diminished, explains Dr. Shallenberger. Patients often have difficulty digesting fats (such as cholesterol and triglycerides) and their arteries tend to thicken and harden. 

"This is compounded by the fact that what little blood reaches their tissues is less effective than it should be and is unable to deliver oxygen to those tissues," says Dr. Shallenberger. "The tissues become oxygen depleted, which explains why diabetics have problems with gangrene and why they're unable to resist infections." 

A prime reason the red blood cells in the diabetic's blood are unable to release their oxygen is that a key molecule called 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, or 2,3-dpg for short, is in reduced supply. Under normal conditions, 2,3-dpg stimulates red blood cells which carry oxygen to deliver it to the tissues; but if there isn't enough of this molecule in the system, the red blood cells can't deliver the oxygen. 

When you introduce ozone--that is, more oxygen-into the blood, more 2,3-dpg is produced and the oxygen-delivery system and the efficiency of blood circulation start to improve. The ozone also appears to enhance the activity of cellular metabolism, the continual conversion of food into energy. Dr. Shallenberger likens the metabolism-heightening effect of ozone to a similar benefit to diabetics obtained through vigorous exercise. It oxygenates the tissues and gets all the body processes running better, he says. 

Levels of ATP, an important molecule which stores energy in the cells, are also enhanced through ozonation. Among other functions, ATP helps each cell maintain the integrity of its membrane, thereby enabling it to regulate the passage of materials into and out of the cell, says Dr. Shallenberger. If the cell membrane collapses, the cell dies; if a lot of cells die you start getting tissue death, and gangrene becomes a possibility. 
Gangrene in a toe was a serious diabetic complication besetting Quentin, 50. His diabetes was poorly controlled, mainly because he was reluctant to comply with dietary restrictions, says Dr. Shallenberger. 

Specifically, he didn't want to give up drinking beer. Even with a daily dosage of four Micronase pills (another blood sugar-controlling drug), Quentin's blood sugar level was around 230; a safe, normal level ranges between 70 and 120. 

Dr. Shallenberger already had worked with Quentin for two years, prescribing dietary changes, herbs, and supplements, but when Quentin developed gangrene on the third toe of his right foot and conventional doctors were scheduling him for amputation at the ankle, Dr. Shallenberger decided to try ozonation. "Quentin's toe was completely black and they were going to amputate his entire foot because the rest of the tissue was on the borderline of becoming gangrenous, too," he notes. 

For Quentin's treatment, Dr. Shallenberger added another element to the ozonation procedure: chelation. The Chelation would help improve Quentin's blood circulation by removing heavy metals and arterial plaque. Dr. Shallenberger calls his combined treatment "chezone." 

Chelation improves blood circulation to the tissues, he explains, which means they get more oxygen. This in turn improves their metabolic rate (energy processing efficiency) and enables them to make better use of glucose (blood sugar). When you have higher efficiency in using glucose, you are much closer to controlling the diabetes naturally, says Dr. Shallenberger. Using ozone, as stated above, helps the patient utilize the available oxygen better, due to improved circulation. Combining Chelation with ozone in effect doubles the circulation benefits. 

In addition to chezone, Dr. Shallenberger put an ozone extremity bag around Quentin's right foot, filled it with ozone gas, and left it in place for 20 minutes. In this way, the ozone was absorbed through the skin, an approach that has proven successful in treating chronic sores and skin ulcers, says Dr. Shallenberger. 

Each time he gave Quentin a chezone treatment (ten in all, one per day), he also ozonated his foot. After about two weeks, the foot was much improved; the area between the ankle and gangrenous toe had healed which meant only the toe would have to be amputated. 

After the surgery, Quentin hurt his foot in such a way that the stitches broke open and a large ulcerating sore formed. His doctors talked about amputation again, but after another six weeks of chezone and foot ozonation treatments, Quentin's foot healed again. Following the first two weeks of intensive treatments, Dr. Shallenberger gave him a chezone once weekly and foot ozonation three times weekly. In ensuing months, Quentin received maintenance treatments. 

About ten weeks after the first chezone treatment, "the lesion in Quentin's foot was entirely healed and he was down to only two Micronase pills a day," says Dr. Shallenberger. "If I had been able to treat his toe before it went black, I probably could have saved it." As it turned out, Dr. Shallenberger did save Quentin's right foot twice. "I'm not convinced you can get all diabetics off their medication. To me the point is how well you can control the blood sugar." 

In the case of Leonard, 64, controlling his sugar intake was central to being able to get his diabetes and gangrene complications under control. Leonard, who developed diabetes six years earlier, was on insulin and Glucophage (another diabetes drug) to control his blood sugar levels. 

However, Leonard developed a blister on the sole of his foot; when this became infected, his doctor cleaned out all the infected tissue, leaving a hole in his foot. Over a three-month period, this wound failed to heal even with antibiotics and Leonard's doctors were talking about amputating his foot. 

Dr. Shallenberger started Leonard on the same combination chezone and foot ozonation program that had worked so well for Quentin. Then he added a piece of advice. "You must cut down on your sugar intake." Leonard ate a lot of white sugar in his diet and none of his conventional doctors apparently made the link between high dietary sugar intake and the inability of his infection to heal. "White blood cells, the immune cells that fight infection, cease to function in the presence of elevated glucose levels," says Dr. Shallenberger. 

After two treatments, Leonard's foot was noticeably improved and his energy levels were heightened. The initial progress motivated Leonard to comply fully with the program. Dr. Shallenberger started Leonard on a series of nutrients and remedies including chromium and vanadium, to help his body utilize its natural pancreatic insulin. 

People with adult-onset diabetes produce insulin but their system becomes unable to use it, a condition called insulin resistance. In fact, the pancreas of such a patient generally produces too much insulin; as the body fails to act on this insulin, the pancreas produces yet more. The minerals chromium and vanadium break this cycle and support the body in making use again of pancreatic insulin, says Dr. Shallenberger. 

Among the other elements of Leonard's program were pancreatic enzymes (to support pancreas function and to improve digestion; 400-800 mg three times daily), the hormone melatonin (to bolster the immune system; 3 mg once daily), and the hormone DHEA, levels of which tend to be about 50% below normal in diabetics. 

Low DHEA levels may help explain the characteristic weight gain in people with adult-onset diabetes, says Dr. Shallenberger. He notes that DHEA doses will vary with each patient. "Women should take enough (usually 10-25 mg daily) to raise the serum DHEA-sulfate to between 2,000 and 3,000 mg/ml, while men should take enough (usually 50-100 mg daily) to raise it to between 3,000 and 4,000 mg/ml." 

He also gave Leonard a specialized product (made from the fungus Mucor racemosus) called Mucokehl, developed in Germany by the Sanum company, and now used selectively (as part of a line of several dozen similar substances) by North American physicians. The Mucokehl would help regulate microorganisms which affect the thickness and texture of the blood. 

After a month of treatments, Leonard's foot was completely healed, says Dr. Shallenberger. As his blood sugar came under better control, Leonard was able to lower his daily insulin intake and resume his busy life.   return to list 


 Healing Ozone

By Dr. Phoebe Chow, ND

(Dr. Chow practices in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and has used Ozone in her practice for many years.)  

Healthy cells need oxygen. Most infections occur because of the invasion of anaerobes that do not thrive in an oxygen-rich  environment. 
Deprivation of oxygen to the body, for example through polluted air, sedentary lifestyle or junk food diet which require a lot of oxygenation for elimination, encourages anaerobic microbes to proliferate. Over-growth of harmful microbes will lead to breakdown of enzymatic reactions, overload of metabolic wastes and ultimately cell death. 

Under similar anaerobic conditions, cells tend to mutate to more primitive life forms, turning from aerobic  to anaerobic respiration for energy synthesis. Nobel prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg in 1928 demonstrated that the primary cause of cancer is the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory chemistry of normal cells by the fermentation of sugar. The growth of cancer cells is a fermentation process which can be initiated only in the relative absence of oxygen. 

Ozone is one of nature's most powerful oxidants. It is used in water purification and sewage treatment and is now being applied medically in Europe to treat everything from wounds and colitis to cancer, stroke and AIDS. Yes, the same ozone in the atmospheric layer that is responsible for shielding off ultra-violet light from the sun and oxidizing the pollutants in the air can be produced from medical oxygen via electrical discharge. It is administered as an ozone/oxygen (03/02) gas mixture. According to the dosage and concentration range, medical ozone is a pharmaceutical agent that exerts specific properties and a well-defined range of efficacy.  

Properties of Medical Ozone   
At the higher range of concentration (three and a half to five per cent ozone in one/oxygen mixture) ozone exhibits a strong germicidal effect by oxidative destruction. The oxidative power of ozone has proven to be effective in destroying lipid-enveloped viruses such as Epstein Barr, herpes, cytomegalovirus and viruses that cause hepatitis. One recent study indicates that ozone treatment was 97 to 100 per cent effective in destroying HIV in vitro.(Journal of American Society of Hematology, October 1, 1992) 
At concentrations below approximately three and a half per cent, the three main restitutional properties of ozone can be observed by its oxidative influence on the oxygen metabolism, the induction of specific enzymes and the activation of immunocompetent cells. It is these systemic influences of ozone that cause it to be such a potent therapeutic tool, because most of the disease affecting humans today can be traced to diminishing levels of oxygen and a compromised immune system. 

Ozone Improves Oxygen Metabolism  
Ozone improves the delivery of oxygen to hypoxic tissues, as well as reactivating the oxygen metabolism of cells. The mechanisms of these systemic actions involve both direct and indirect processes.  
Ozone directly changes the electric charges of the erythrocyte membranes increasing the flexibility and plasticity of the erythrocytes, thus enhancing the flow properties of the blood and the transport of oxygen to the cells and tissues. This is especially applicable in  
arterial occlusion disease whereby "pile of coins" erythrocyte formation is typical. The indirect mechanism consists of ozonolysis, i.e.  the ionizing reaction of ozone with the unsaturated fatty acids in the cellular membrane producing peroxides.  
It must be pointed out that ozone behave as an ion, not a free radical under normal physiological blood pH and therefore no radical chain reaction occurs to cause oxidative damages. The reaction activates the enzyme 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) in hemoglobin to release oxygen. This is of particular importance to diabetics in which 2,3-DPG is depressed.  

Ozone Induces Specific Enzymes  
The formation of short-lived peroxides at the membrane are injected into the cell and are removed by the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement with vitamin E, N-acetyl-systeine and selenium during ozone therapy to support the glutathione detoxification system. In addition, the enhancement of the glycolysis enzymatic pathway results in an increase in adenosine triphosphate production (energy currency of the cells). 
This is significant in the management of stroke and burns. The elevation of adenosine triphosphate synthesis will decrease perifocal edema formed in the injured site minimizing tissue necrosis and subsequent scarring. But this is effective only when ozone is administered within the first 24 to 48 hours. In Germany, many ambulances are equipped with ozone an it is injected intravenously in patients who have just suffered a stroke.  

Ozone Activates Immune System  
It is well documented that ozone can activate monocyte  and lymphcocytes and induced the production of an array of cytokines such as interleukin, interferon, tumor-necrosis factor. (The Journal of International Medical Research 1994) Its ability to elicit endogenous production of cytokines and its lack of toxicity make ozone an indispensable therapeutic modality since today's most devastating diseases are characterized by immune  depression such as chronic viral diseases, cancer and AIDS. Of course restoration of the immune system depends on a total approach of detoxification, lifestyle modification and supportive therapies.  

Route of Administration  
The are several ways to administer ozone, depending upon the condition being treated. Autohemotherapy, which involves bland treatment exvivo of blood with ozone and prompt reinfusion into the donor is the most popular procedure among German physicians. Other methods include direct infusion of a gaseous ozone/oxygen mixture either intravenously, or intra-arterially (particularly in critical limbs ischemia). 
It has been proven that even direct delivery of ozone into the blood vessels has very low risk factors. No air which contains nitrogen ever enters the body, so an air embolus cannot occur. Colorectal insufflation of ozone/oxygen, much like an enema, has been used to treat colitis, fistula and colon cancer. Ozone is also excellent for topical treatment of infected wounds, ulcers and burns, especially those that are difficult to heal.  

Therapeutic Indication  
The modern development of ozone application in medicine began in the 1950s in Europe and gradually spread throughout Europe to Australia, Israel, Cuba, Brazil an Columbia. As far back as World War 1, ozone was used medically to treat wounds and other infections. Over 5000 physicians worldwide routinely use ozone in their medical practice. I have personally used ozone in my own practice and found it to be an effective therapy. When it is incorporated into a holistic approach of cleansing there is virtually no known side effect of ozone treatment if it is applied properly. However, since ozone therapy is dose-dependant, it should be administered with supervision.  
Specific therapeutic applications of ozone include the treatment of vascular disease such as stroke, obstructive arteriopathy, venous insufficiency, cancer, acute and chronic viral diseases, ulcers, infected wounds, gangrenes, burns, inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn' disease, ulcerative colitis and spinal disc problems. It is also used in dentistry as a disinfectant and in pediatrics for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections of the intestines. In geriatrics, its principal indication is in circulatory  disorders. In particular the increase of oxygen supply to the brain is of great benefit. 

Ozone, with all its miraculous properties and accompanied by its lack of toxicity, is undoubtedly an important tool in medicine. It is an unusual  double-edged sword. It defends the body via stimulation of the immune system and at the same time it improves oxygenation and metabolism. I do believe that ozone deserves a place in the management of health and disease. It is up to us, patients and physicians, to demand access to this wonderful healing substances.  


AIDS and Cancer Cured by Hyper-Oxygenation  return to list

  This article is taken from an newsletter/article called Now What Issue #1, 1987 

Several dozen AIDS patients have not only reversed their death sentences, but are now back at work, completely free of the disease. They destroyed the virus in their blood by hyper-oxygenation, known in various forms as oxygen therapy, bio-oxidative therapy or autohemotherapy and ozone therapy. This is a simple, inexpensive and very broad- spectrum process that many feel could force a complete overhaul of the medical industry.  

It turns out that the AIDS virus cannot tolerate high oxygen levels in its victim's blood. Not only that, every other disease organism tested so far has the same weakness. Even cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic.  

AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, cytomegalovirus and other lipid envelope virus are readily destroyed by hyper-oxygenating the patient's blood with ozone. This was demonstrated by Dr. Horst Kief in Bad Hersfeld, West Germany. Dr. Kief has already cured a number of AIDS victims by drawing blood, infusing it with ozone and returning it to the patient, at regular intervals until all the virus is gone. Dr. S. Rilling of Stuttgart and Dr. Renate Viebahn of Iffezheim are among the growing number of physicians who have obtained similar results with their patients. They are with Arztlich Gesellschaft fur Ozonetherapies and JrJ Hansler F+GmbH, respectively.  

The Basics of Bio-Oxidative Therapies 
For many years the health sciences have been seeking to identify the primary physical cause of diseases, and the cure-all that this basic principal would yield. Now both have been found, but their utter simplicity makes them difficult to accept at first, since it seems like if it's that easy, we should have been using them all along.  

Our bodies are composed mostly of water, which is eight-ninths oxygen. Most nutritional studies tend to get caught up in the small details of biochemistry and overlook our most abundant and essential element, and the fundamental role of its depletion in causing illness. Of all the elements the body needs, only oxygen is in such constant demand that its absence brings death in minutes.  

The main difference, for healing purposes, between benign microorganisms (including our own cells), and those, which cause disease, is that the later require much lower oxygen levels. This is due to their more primitive evolutionary origins, during the ages when free oxygen was far less abundant. Now their descendants can only survive in low oxygen environments such as accompany stagnation and decay. To become a growth medium for such parasites, one has to have allowed the oxygen saturation of the bodies fluids to drop well below the optimum level for healthy cell growth and function. 

The simplest substance available for restoring one's oxygen balance to a healthy range is ozone (03). Ozone is highly toxic when concentrated, which has tended to obscure their germicidal value except as a skin antiseptic. But when in the correct therapeutic levels, it in not only non-toxic but uniquely beneficial.  

Ozone Blood Treatment 
Ozone overcomes the AIDS virus by a fundamentally different process than usually attempted by drugs. Instead of burdening the liver and immune system with more elaborate toxic substances, ozone simply oxidizes the molecules in the shell of the virus. 

The treatment is remarkably simple. The ozone is produced by forcing oxygen through a metal tubecarrying a 300 volt charge. A pint of blood is drawn from the patient and placed in an infusion bottle. The ozone is then forced into the bottle and mixed in by shaking gently, whereupon the blood turns bright cardinal red. As the ozone molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy which destroys all lipid-envelope virus, and apparently all other disease organisms as well, while leaving blood cells unharmed. 

It also oxygenates the blood to a greater degree than is usually reached, what with poor air and sluggish breathing habits. The treated blood is then given back to the patient. This treatment is given from twice a week to twice a day, depending on how advanced the disease is. The strengthened blood confers some of its virucidal properties to the rest of the patient's blood as it disperses.  

The disease will not return, as long as the patient maintains his blood in an oxygen positive state, through proper breathing, exercise, and clean diet.  

A Dr. Preuss, in Stuttgart, has written up ten case histories of AIDS patients he has cured by this method. But his and the other physicians' reports are all anecdotal rather than in the form of "Controlled studies", since they could not be expected to treat some patients and deny treatment to others just for the purpose of accumulating evidence. Thus their results are not considered "proof" by the US medical community.  

Eating, Fasting and Oxygen Balance  
Overeating is so common in the US it's considered "normal". One cause is the widespread use of oral antibiotics. While destroying the target germs, these drugs also kill off one's intestinal flora, which are needed for healthy digestion. With these friendly bacteria gone, digestive efficiency plummets. As a result, the sensation of hunger comes more often and lasts longer, as the body tries to compensate for ineffective digestion by increasing the amounts consumed.  

Even just eating daily, without ever giving the gastro-intestinal tract a rest, loads down the blood with toxins and impurities, especially uric acid crystals. Under a microscope these resemble tiny coffin lids, interestingly enough, another clue to our Creator's whimsical sense of humor. When the waste products exceed the cleansing capacity of the kidney's, the blood ends up just having to haul it around the body and stash it wherever possible. These toxins literally take up so much room in the blood cells that the cells can't take on enough oxygen when pass through the lungs. The bloods primary  
function of picking up and distributing oxygen gets blocked by overuse of garbage-hauling function. 

Fasting restores health by giving the overload blood cells a chance to dump the toxins and inert matter through normal organs of elimination at a rate they can handle, instead of through the skin, as in acne, or other inappropriate places. If the fast is long enough, accumulated residues in the body are also scoured out and expelled, giving a considerable spiritual resurgence once all the backlog is cleared away. While the debris is flushed out, various toxic reactions may come and go. Once the blood is cleansed the red corpuscles have a lot more room for oxygen molecules, the oxygen saturation of the molecules is high, and health and energy are boosted considerably. Each breath now gives more life than it was able to in the bloods earlier state.  

Most long-lived native peoples, who are not affected by our more common diseases, either include fasting as a regular part of their yearly food cycles, or eat much less overall, than industrial peoples.  

Today many Americans are existing at such high levels of toxicity, that their toxic reactions when attempting to fast can seem intense enough to make them start eating again before any serious cleansing can be accomplished. Fortunately one can partially by pass the lungs and get the blood level back up, by taking oxygenated water internally and through the skin. Several weeks of detoxification of this regimen will also make it much easier to fast without discomfort, if one chooses. It reduces appetite, logically enough, to a level more in line with the body's actual needs.  

Ozone may even cure stupidity 
Perhaps the greatest potential benefit is the reversal of the slight brain damage caused by long-term oxygen depletion, which can be observed in the "average" human, and is not always all that slight. It's well known that after about nine minutes of no oxygen, you can kiss your brain good-bye. The  implications of constant gradual oxygen starvation in our cities somehow escape notice, despite the tiredness, depression, irritability, poor judgement and health problems affecting so many citizens. 

Increasing the oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system will reverse these conditions. Ozone therapy improves alertness, reflexes, memory and apparently intelligence, and may offer the elderly a new weapon against senility and related disorders. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are reported to be responding to it.  


 Ozone: A Wide-Spectrum Healer   return to list

By Gary Null, Ph.D.

"I know a number of cases of individuals with T-cell counts that have been very low, but because of regular ozone therapy they have not gotten any opportunistic infections. In fact, it's almost as though the ozone is taking the place of their immune system. Unfortunately, you often do not see rises in their T-cell counts, but you can see a stabilization and a management as a chronic manageable illness. It's my belief that the use of ozone in association with other complementary therapies can convert AIDS from a uniformly terminal illness to something that is chronically manageable, which is better than what anyone else can offer at this point." - -Dr. John Pittman (1) 

Many feel it to be the most promising, safe, and generally efficacious treatment for major degenerative diseases, from AIDS and chronic fatigue to cancer and arthritis. It's ozone - - medical ozone. Medical ozone differs from atmospheric ozone in that it is pure and concentrated. This is an important distinction because atmospheric ozone, produced from ultraviolet radiation, is combined with different nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide products and is harmful. It's not used in medical practice. 

Ozone (O3) is produced by the reaction of oxygen atoms (O) with molecular oxygen (O2)- This allotrope (different form) of oxygen possesses unique properties that, while they have yet to be completely defined and understood, have been benefiting clinical practice for years, albeit mostly in Europe. Most of the states in this country have yet to legalize use of the healing powers of this nontoxic molecule. 

Of course lack of official acknowledgment within certain political boundaries in no way negates the properties of any natural substance, and that includes ozone. As a molecule containing an excess of energy, ozone manifests bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal action, which may make it a treatment of choice under certain conditions and an adjunct to treatment in others. (2)   Some of its characteristics and applications are described by Dr. Stanley Beyerle, a naturopathic physician who trained with some of the pioneers of ozone research and treatment: 

"Systematically, it oxidizes organic compounds. Topically, it can be used to treat burns. Ozone has hemostatic effects that stop bleeding. It accelerates wound healing, induces enzyme production, and activates immune system response. It is also believed that ozone may have the ability to peroxidize lipids [break up fats]."(3)

As early as World War I, ozone's bactericidal properties were used to treat infected wounds, mustard gas burns, and fistulas, although these treatments were limited by technological difficulties. Current ozone therapy uses a mixture of ozone and pure oxygen,(4)  and with today's medical ozone generators, the ability now exists to deliver pure ozone-oxygen mixtures in precise dosages. The Europe-based Medical Society for Ozone and the National Center for Scientific Research in Cuba currently use the treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including wound problems, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and AIDS. Doctors report particular success with the different types of hepatitis, as well as candida, allergies and bladder infections. Other disorders treated with ozone therapy: herpes, arthritis, respiratory conditions, multiple sclerosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and parasitic conditions. 

And this is just a partial list. What's more, while ozone can be used to treat a wide spectrum of conditions, it can also be used prophylactically to combat harmful viruses, bacteria, and free radicals before degeneration and disease occur. Additionally, already healthy people can use ozone to rejuvenate cells so that they can stay younger longer. As science reporter Nathaniel Altman observes, it is unusual indeed to have a product that treats such a tremendous range of conditions. Altman recounts ozone's multiple benefits: 

"First of all, it stimulates the production of white blood cells and increases the production of interferon, interleuken-2, and tumor necrosis factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancer. It is anti- neoplastic, which means that it inhibits the growth of tumors. One study performed at Baylor University in Texas, in 1962, determined that ozone can help to kill tumors and enhance the effect of different types of anti-tumor drugs. Ozone kills bacteria and viruses. In addition, it increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and helps deliver oxygen to all of the cells in the body. It also helps degrade petrochemicals. This includes different toxins that one might have in the body due to the environment or food eaten. It helps dissolve and eliminate them from the body, and hence, lightens the body's toxic load. It also increases red blood cell membrane distendability, making it more flexible. This is one way it is used in the treatment of heart disease. The administration of ozone changes the blood formation and helps the blood flow more effectively. In Cuba, for example, there is an ozone generator in every major hospital emergency room. It helps heart patients and stroke victims recover much quicker. It also increases the effectiveness of the antioxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body. These are just some of the things that it does." (5) 

How Ozone is Used 
There are several ways to dispense ozone for therapeutic purposes. One is to introduce the ozone mixture into a fixed volume of the patient's blood ex vivo, that is, outside the body. This method is known as autohemotherapy (AHT), and is performed mainly in central Europe.6 AHT is claimed to have therapeutic value in circulatory disorders, viral diseases, and cancer. (7) 
With AHT, 50 to 100 milliliters of blood are drawn from the patient, mixed with a dose of ozone/oxygen of a predetermined concentration, and then returned via the same intravenous catheter. Once it's returned to the patient, the ozonated blood is rapidly distributed to all tissues. While it is not known how long the ozone remains in solution, its therapeutic effects have been seen to include virucidal activity, oxygenation, and increased red cell fluidity. (2) 

Some patients, upon receiving their own ozonated blood, report a faint background taste of ozone, which may be a sign of the ozone surviving in the solution for at least a few seconds. Of interest, notes Dr. Gerard Sunnen, are reports of AHT patients who experience feelings of well-being lasting for a few minutes to several hours after treatment. Sunnen does not know if these feelings constitute a placebo effect, a metabolic alteration, or a neuropsychiatric phenomenon. 

Another commonly used form of administration is rectal insufflation. Essentially, a catheter is put into the colon and gas from an ozone machine is allowed in at a determined concentration and flow rate. The ozone can also be self administered this way with a Teflon bag.8 One study, by Knoch, Roschke, and Klug, reveals how the method works. After oxygen-ozone mixtures are absorbed through the wall of the large intestine, they enter the bloodstream and result in a PaO2 increase within the entire organism, raising PaO2 almost 100 percent higher than oxygen alone would, and having no adverse effects.(9) 

Dr. Beyerle, who is certified by the German Medical Ozone Society, studied the rectal insufflation method of delivering ozone therapy in Germany with one of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Rilling Beyerle explains that "the blood vessels in the colon, small intestine, and bladder are the mesenteric veins, which deposit into the portal vein and go straight to the liver. The simple introduction of the catheter into the colon, at a low flow rate to increase concentration, gets ozone into the systemic venous system. Dr. Rilling says that if nothing else is done but rectal insufflation, which does not really require a physician at all, you see dramatic results."(3) 
Positive therapeutic effects on diseases of the rectum and colon have been noted with this method since 1936. Beyerle has seen people recover from irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and Crohn's disease, almost immediately. "There may be some initial discomfort, some bloating and gas on occasion, but as far as irritations, we have yet to see any contraindications. If you've got colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, when ozone is administered properly, there are no negative side effects, only positive ones. It renews the mucous lining and gets to the bacterial infestation that has infiltrated the tissues of the colon."(3) 

Ozone gas can also be directly injected into veins or muscles, a process known as intraarticular or intravenous application. This method, however, can be dangerous, and is not recommended. Drinking ozonated water is another method that has been used. Ozonated water is made by bubbling 16 to 20 mcg/ml ozone through a glass of chilled distilled water (33 to 40 F) for two minutes. The water is then drunk immediately.10 A further method consists of introducing ozone to the skin in a sauna bag after a hot shower and a brisk rubdown. (8) 
Ozone Against Cancer 
Low concentrations of ozone have been proven to increase alpha interferon. Interferon is an anti-cancer substance that laboratories ail over the country are trying to reproduce, but with ozone, the body will make its own. Once interferon production is initiated, interleuken-2, another anti-cancer agent, is increased. This sets in motion a cascade of immunological events. Specifically, tumor necrosis factor, macrophages, and phagocytes increase, and immunoglobulin processes, such as IgA, IgE, and IgM, activate. Dr. Beyerle elaborates on how he uses ozone in treating cancer:  

"When I treat cancer, I want the body's immune response to take care of it and activate the immunological properties, and this is what we see with cancer. We can work right into AIDS with this because what we're looking at is immunological stimulation."(3) 
Beyerle treats prostate cancer with an ozone protocol that he reports has yielded phenomenal results. His treatment includes taking 5 cc of the patient's blood, mixing it with 5 cc of ozone at a low concentration, shaking it up, aerating it, making sure it is saturated, and then reinjecting it back into the prostate. He performs five treatments over the course of 20 days, and the program helps prostatic tumors to shrink dramatically.  

Beyerle states that most prostate cancer is contained within a capsule until it is biopsied, and he attributes the overuse of biopsies to the spread of cancer within the body. He prefers to check the prostate with ultrasound, as opposed to biopsies, which he asserts are "overused and one of the very worst procedures that can possibly be done .... I can prove beyond a doubt that is one of the causative agents of spreading cancer."(11) So he feels that a big advantage of ozone is that it successfully treats this cancer while it is still encapsulated.  

Beyerle reports major improvement with other types of cancers too, using ozone, including tonsillar, throat, ovarian, colon, and breast cancer. "I have three breast cancer patients now who were supposed to be dead a year ago," he says.(11)  Also, he is seeing improvement in breast cancer patients where there is metastasis to the bones, liver, and spinal column: 

"We are seeing patients who were bedridden two years ago and sent home to die. They are becoming ambulatory. Their energy level is coming up. They are gaining weight. And we see these spontaneous fractures in the spine are gradually disappearing. Strength is returning to the musculature. There is no spinal pain." (3)

Beyerle's cancer protocol is not limited to ozone; like most practitioners who use this modality, he combines it with others, and he pays attention to lifestyle factors. So, for instance, he includes immune stimulating botanicals, such as the maitake mushroom. Beyerle also uses ozone to treat noncancerous conditions than can eventually become cancerous, such as fibroids and benign prostatic hypertrophy. 
Recent studies support the use of ozone therapy for people who are HlV-positive or have AIDS. In one, Dr. Michael Carpendale treated two male HIV-positive asymptomatic patients with colonic insufflations of an ozone/oxygen mixture intermittently for 180 weeks. Both patients increased their CD4 (T4) cell counts and one, after the 160th week, became polymerase chain reaction negative. According to the doctor, both patients have remained in the best of health, with no infections and no adverse symptoms or malaise. (12)  

Dr. Carpendale's program consisted of ozone produced from a portable medical ozone generator13insulated through a Teflon catheter into the patient's colon. For two years, the patients treated themselves daily, and then weekly, with a booster dose (for a total of 73 treatments containing 2065- 2137 mg ozone). CD4 cell counts were monitored about every two months. Studies showed that low doses of ozone in serum stimulated cell growth and larger doses began to suppress it. Furthermore, ozone was shown to reduce HIV in serum and did not adversely affect healthy cells.  

In another study, Carpendale and other researchers used colonic insufflations of medical ozone to treat five AIDS or AIDS-related-complex (ARC) patients with intractable diarrhea. Treatments were given daily for 21-28 days with doses of ozone ranging from 2.7 to 3.0mg. Three patients, whose diarrhea was of unknown cause, experienced complete resolution, and one markedly improved. The fifth patient, whose diarrhea was due to cryptosporidium, experienced no change. No adverse systemic effects were noted during treatment. Carpendale and his colleagues feel that the results of the study reinforce the findings of previous research on colonic insufflation ozone therapy, i.e., that it is simple, safe, and effective. Further, they assert that the treatment should be used routinely to treat chronic intractable ARC/AIDS diarrhea.(14) 

Other research, by H. Kief, reports that ozone is "highly effective against viruses and has an unusually high degree of tolerance when administered parenterally."15 The study notes an "astonishing improvement" in AIDS patients where the disease has not severely progressed, and partial remission in 30 percent of cases of complete manifestation of AIDS.  

In another study, V. Bocci determined that autohemotherapy arrests the progress of HIV in its early phase due to immunoregulatory TH1-type cytokines and CD7 t-lymphocytes. Bocci concluded that a mild and equilibrated stimulation of the immune system may prevent or delay the fatal transition toward the prevalent production of TH2-type cytokines.(16) 

HIV reversal is no small matter. Nathaniel Altman, author of Oxygen Healing Therapies (Health Arts Press), explains: 
"When I was in Cuba I interviewed one of the chemists doing research on the subject. She said if a person infected with HIV receives ozone before it gets into the lymphatic and bone systems, HIV can be killed and stopped right on the spot." (5) 

In Germany, Vetter studied the results of ozone therapy with 100 patients in different stages of AIDS. He concluded that "None of the patients developed any new opportunistic infections or deteriorated compared to their initial condition. Other infections occurred and were overcome, as in the HIV-negative population." 17 Vetter reported that HIV-positive patients need high concentrations of ozone, and that added vitamin C enables a patient to tolerate this without the risk of hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells). Success was also attributed to uninterrupted ozone administration, and slow re-infusion of ozonized blood.(17)  

Various protocols have been developed for treating AIDS patients with ozone. An anonymous doctor (practicing in a state where ozone users are not safe from prosecution) recommends 12 treatments on 12 consecutive days. "Virtually all the people I have treated -- and I have treated over 170 -- have reversed their condition within days, he reports. "People come in on a stretcher and within days their general condition dramatically improves." This doctor strongly believes that with AIDS, ozone is the most important modality of all because it removes infections and that, at least in western countries, AIDS is a conglomerate of 30 or more infectious diseases as a result of drug use or malnutrition. 

HIV Treatment News gives anecdotal accounts that support the idea of success with ozone treatment in AIDS patients. In one story, Jim credits ozone applications in a sauna bag and rectal insufflation with improving the quality of his life and keeping infections at bay. The article states, "In three weeks, his swollen lymph nodes disappeared and blood tests...showed an increase in CD4s...."(18) A second report tells of Mike, who increased his CD4 count by using ozone rectal insufflations and drinking one glass of ozonated water daily. In six weeks his CD4 count increased from 26 to 56, and he reported, "This is the best I've felt in two years." Mike takes some supplements but no medications.(19) 

In a third account, Marc tells how ozone helped increase his CD4 count significantly: "I credit the IV ozone with raising my T4 cells from 100 to 365 last fall. Then I stopped doing the IV ozone as I don't particularly like needles. About six months ago, I made an accidental discovery. I smelled the output of ozone passed through the humidifier and noticed it was very weak. I instinctively stopped using the humidifier and did the ozone gas direct. I gave myself an enema with warm water before doing the insufflation. I really feel this has been very effective. Recently, I also started doing the sauna bag ozone dry and I feel the combination in very powerful and very effective. I do both treatments each day. I just don't feel good any more--I feel great! I have never felt better." 20 Marc combines ozone therapy with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water to help digestion and clean the GI tract, and occasional coffee enemas to help the liver dump toxins into the colon. 

Concerning liver--and total blood--detoxification in conjunction with ozone treatment, Dr. John Pittman stresses the importance of these processes: 

"In treating hepatitis, direct AHT has been demonstrated countless tines as being effective. By doing this procedure, at least 15 to 21 days, we've been able to see hepatitis completely wiped out. We think, at least, in terms of treating AIDS, you've got to be much more aggressive because there you've got viral particles disbursed through the entire body, not just in the liver. You've also got to get this trash out of the body after you have destroyed all of the viral particles as well as stored toxins and other substances in the blood. 
"So a detoxification program that focuses on cleansing the blood and opening up all the avenues of elimination is really very important to include in any ozone treatment program. This is probably one of the biggest shortcomings among most physicians using ozone. They don't realize what a powerful tool it is and that it's going to leave a lot of trash in the blood that's been oxidized. I make the analogy that ozone is like a controlled forest fire. It goes in; it burns out the underbrush, and it leaves the trunk of the tree a little bit charred....But, if you come back a month or so later and you follow a very careful rebuilding program--your diet has been excellent, there are detoxification techniques that are being used- -then everything grows back nice and green and it's better than it was. This is, in fact, what we are seeing with our patients." 1

For people with active infections and low T-cell counts, the HIV Treatment News author recommends the following protocol: rectal insufflation (dry ozone)--two to four times daily; sauna bag method (dry)-- once a day; when CMV or any infection is located from the mouth to the esophagus to stomach to small intestines, drink one cup of chilled ozonated distilled water on an empty stomach three times a day; and colloidal silver--l/2 teaspoon two to four times a day, which should eliminate 95 percent or more of all opportunistic infections associated with HIV progression, including pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. (20) 

For HIV-positive or immune-depressed conditions with no symptoms, the article suggests: rectal insufflation--once a day, five to seven days a week; and/or the sauna bag method--20 minutes a day, seven days a week, and one glass of chilled ozonated water daily. 

Both methods are believed to speed up increases in T4 counts and other immune functions. People with CD4 counts below 50 are especially encouraged to follow the entire protocol, which can be done in sequence (rectal insufflation, sauna bag, ozonated water) and completed in a half hour. The best times are early morning or late afternoon, but these treatments should not be done within three hours of eating a heavy meal. (20) 

To support the belief that ozone therapy is safe and essentially free of adverse effects, a data review was carried out involving more than 340,000 patients treated with ozone. Adverse reactions were reported for fewer than six thousandths of one percent of them. 21 In another study, the Society of German Pathologists and the German Society for Forensic Medicine reported 336 adverse reactions for an estimated 5.5 million treatments involving all forms of ozone therapy. It should be noted that the IV method of administration had the most adverse effects, and if only autohemotherapy is considered, adverse reactions are reduced to virtually zero. Those patients reporting side effects are talking about mild myalgia at the site of injection and occasional fever. 
Countering Free-Radical Ravages--and Aging 
An important benefit of ozone is that it increases the effectiveness of the antioxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons on their outer ring. Their structure enables them to latch onto other molecules and damage cells, tissues, and organs. Once this occurs, they weaken physical vitality and can damage body systems, including the neurological, cardiovascular and immune systems. 
The idea of biochemical invaders impairing immunity and overall health is difficult to grasp, since they are part of the system and not directly visible. By contrast, the impact of outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, is easier to understand, as their damage is more visible. It cannot compare, however, to the destruction caused by free radicals. Nothing kills more certainly. 
Unlike bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can coexist with the body, free radicals are not friendly coexisters. These have one tendency--to cause havoc in the system. Free radical damage results in a variety of symptoms and degenerative conditions. According to Dr. Lamar Rosquist, free radicals contribute to over 60 diseases or health-related symptoms, 22 ranging from aging of the skin to chronic fatigue to damage to cell membranes, leading to cell destruction, to damage to DNA, which can cause precancerous conditions. 

New theories link the progression of HIV symptomatology to free radicals. HIV Treatment News reports that "HIV, by its unique molecular structure, may produce large amounts of free radicals through a chain reaction process .... Free radicals may have a major role to play in gastrointestinal problems in AIDS, including colon inflammation, malabsorption syndrome and wasting syndrome." (22) 

Antioxidants protect cell membranes from free radicals. These oxygen modulators are believed to destroy free radicals by feeding them electrons which change their chemical structure into more stable compounds, like H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide), that actually enhance the oxidation process by creating more cellular energy. (22)   Dr. Beyerle explains how cellular energy is increased with ozone: 

"Once in the blood, ozone reacts with fatty acids and the cell membranes of erythrocytes. Ozone's reaction at the membrane starts glycolysis, the breakdown of fats. This increases ATP, which is the energy system in the body. This, in turn, carries and releases oxygen molecules. More oxygen in the system enables the organism to do a variety of things, since the body thrives on oxygen.  
"Most microbes are anaerobic; they thrive without oxygen, and cannot live in the presence of added oxygen in the bloodstream. The ozone and the fatty acid cell membrane then do a reaction that occurs at that membrane which creates peroxide. A lot of destructive processes that go on are due to an accumulation of peroxide. That's why antioxidants are so important, in not only ozone treatment but in day-to-day living, because of all the environmental pollution that occurs. When that happens, it creates an increase in peroxides that go unchecked. What happens is that when these peroxides accumulate within the cell, there's an increased production of a specific biochemical called 23DPG diphosphoglycerate, which enables oxygen to be released from the hemoglobin molecule. 
"Now all of a sudden we're freeing up more oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule. Hemoglobin carries oxygen. Now, we've got all this oxygen released going throughout our vascular system and it has antimicrobial, antiviral activity. This is the latest German research." (11)

Antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, also act as free radical scavengers. They help remove free radicals from the body after trapping them in what is called the highly reactive singlet oxygen, and they prevent new free radicals from being formed. In essence, they absorb the molecule's altered energy state and return it to a normal state without hamming the system.  

In short, oxygen helps to protect cell membranes from free radical damage and thus prevents premature aging, cancer, heart disease, and many other degenerative conditions. Every second, oxygen fights on behalf of every cell in the body. Oxygen, ozone, and substantial quantities of various nutrients, including beta carotene, vitamins C, E, B6, zinc, selenium, glutathione, pygnogenol, and quercetin, help the body to better utilize oxygen. Combining the right amount of vitamins with a live foods diet, and adjunctive therapies as needed, prevents premature sickness and aging.  

Some doctors envision ozone being used by the general population for its rejuvenating effects. One, a doctor from a state in which ozone use is not approved, says that, in fact: "This is the main application I would like to use it for in the future--to get people younger and have them live almost as long as they want to." 

The doctor goes on to explain his enthusiasm for ozone as an anti-aging factor: "Ozone, first of all, has what I have called the homeopathic ozone effect. This reverses most latent overt aging factors and disease processes that happen in the body that you don't even know about. In a six-month period, after just one ozone application, virtually every single person tells me of dramatic improvements.  "The second thing is the immune-modulating effect of ozone and the reduction of allergic factors. An allergy is an accumulation of fluid. It prevents you from absorbing nutrients and causes other symptoms. Any person who has significant allergies is in a constant state of nutritional deficiency.  "Third, it reverses the cross-linking of the collagen and reduces the aging pigment ... By reversing those things, it will restore the elasticity in all tissues.  "It removes the arterial plaque the same way it removes plaque in the pipes of heating/air-conditioning systems. It also removes the fibrin in the veins by breaking it down to pieces that are recognized by the macrophages and then scavenged away. Indirectly, it works like a rotor-rooter by changing unnecessary fibrin deposits or arterial plaque to a point from which both the arteries and veins are cleaned out. Obviously, if you have more circulation to all parts of your body, all toxins can be removed and every cell of the body functions better.  "... As far as immune modulation is concerned ... many researchers say that a person is as old as the immune system. If you can have a perfectly young immune system, the rest of the body will follow suit and you will be as young as your immune system again." 
One Part of the Therapeutic Picture  
Clinicians usually recommend ozone as part of a larger holistic protocol in the treatment of seriously ill patients. It's thus a supplemental therapy used in conjunction with other treatment modalities. Dr. John Pittman explains: 

"I rarely give ozone treatments unless they are combined with some other supportive therapy. Admittedly, the shortcoming of doing this is that you don't always know which component is most beneficial. But I certainly know from experience which things generally help the most. Combining ozone with proper dietary therapies and addressing other cofactors, particularly in the GI tract, you can see tremendous changes in a person's constitution. Their blood work can turn around, and it definitely can improve the quality of life of an individual as well as the length of their life." 

"We have a program... set up for patients who come from all around the country and stay from three to four weeks undergoing daily treatment, six days a week. It includes daily ozone therapy as well as IV infusions, such as vitamin C, three times a week, and also EDTA chelation. Chelation therapy is primarily for opening up capillaries and increasing the ability of the oxygen and ozone to permeate the tissues." (1) 

It's Pittman's observation that the best benefits occur when ozone is taken on a daily basis: "The halflife of ozone is 45 minutes. After that time, it breaks down into oxygen. In the meantime, what it's really doing is transferring its high-energy electron to other elements in the blood and producing various peroxide formations that are continuing this oxidative effect. The powerful oxidative effect appears to last 24 hours, making a daily treatment the most effective way of using ozone." 

According to a doctor who, because of state regulations, must remain nameless, ozone treatment is a recommended first step for all patients. It reduces the toxic load due to infections, allergies, and other conditions, and it may even make further treatment unnecessary. "It's just a basic therapy that will enhance every treatment mode afterwards." 

This physician does stress that ozone is not an end-all in itself, but rather one modality in a holistic program: "I always say, first you have to restore the nutrition. Then you have to restore the mind-set. After that, you can go into specific programs for specific conditions, which include ozone. I give ozone to virtually all of my patients as a basis of therapy because sometimes just one ozone treatment resolves their problem. Then they don't need anything else. Obviously, if they have a serious degenerative disease, like cancer or cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or infectious diseases of any kind, they need more intensive treatment. We like to give ozone in cancers and AIDS, for instance, for 12 days. For hepatitis, it's usually just for eight days. Most allergies respond to four-day treatments. For acute infections, including pneumonia, usually one single ozone application does the trick. Then if this person is in a relatively good nutritional state, this is all it takes and the body takes care of itself from there on out. It's very important to understand that with all degenerative diseases, a combination approach is necessary." 
Obstacles to Ozone's Use 
While ozone is without doubt a wide-spectrum healing modality, it's also, in this country, one that's widely ignored, and even suppressed. Nathaniel Altman surmises that "because these elements are very available and also nonpatented, the pharmaceutical industry has not been very happy with them." 5 The profit motive isn't there with ozone as it is with patentable drugs, so there hasn't been the impetus for private companies to do expensive studies of this modality. The unfortunate result: medical ozone has been, in more ways than one, an invisible healer. The general public is simply unaware of it as an option. In fact, most states prohibit the use of ozone therapy, the rationale being that American researchers must first prove that the process will not harm people. That it has been used safely in Europe for decades doesn't seem to count. 

In a situation frustrating to those familiar with ozone's potential, funding for research is continually denied by the National Institutes for Health, while exorbitant sums are earmarked for less effective, but more conventional, treatments. The situation doesn't seem to make sense. For instance, State University of New York virologist Bernard Poeisz has found that ozone could be used for "almost seemingly complete destruction" of HIV without affecting blood protein, and yet the NIH has refused funding, saying it was not a priority. Dr. Kwaku Ohene-Frempon, head of Children's Hospital Sickle Cell Center, says that "ozone kills bacteria" and "supplies a lot of oxygen to tissues that need to be repaired." Seventy-two thousand people in the U.S. suffer from sickle cell anemia and the NIH spends about $70 million a year to try to alleviate the disease. However, they will not fund ozone research, even though Cuban doctors find that ozone cuts the length and severity of painful sickle-cell episodes in half. 24 Nor will research on ozone for diabetic conditions be funded, despite the fact that Germany has been healing diabetic wounds with ozone for quite some time.  
Dr. Beyerle expresses the sentiments of the frustrated practitioners. "Extensive studies have been done in other countries," he points out. "It amazes me to see the literature that is being published and utilized in Germany and Europe but has failed to appear in literature or clinics in this country." 

Beyerle goes on to explore the reasons for this: "In my opinion, it's all politics. It starts at the beginning with our FDA, which is tremendously influenced by our drug companies. Drug companies give almost 80 to 90 percent of funding for medical schools. That's a fact. If drug companies have an influence on medical schools and medical research, then this information will never get there. Ozone's cheap. All you need is pure oxygen, an ozone generator, and the proper training. I just recently met with two professors from Frankfurt working using ozone with cancer for over 15 years, and having spectacular results. Why isn't it here? We have a medical mafia. There's too much money being made in medicine for certain companies to allow something so inexpensive and so worthwhile to be introduced in our country that's not a money-maker." (11) 
Ozone Overseas 
Overseas, the picture is different. Medical ozone is used in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, and Cuba; and England and France, while they don't use ozone medically, do treat drinking water with it. (24) 

Recently, the Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association was held in Lille, France. It was well attended by researchers from around the world, some of whom are at a loss to under stand America's seeming domination by an FDA out of step with the latest in research, and out of control. 

The papers presented at the Lille meeting covered a whole gamut of areas in which medical ozone has proven of value. Heart disease was one; ozone treatment was shown to improve the status of patients with ischemic cardiopathy, fostering diminution or disappearance of irregular heart rhythms, decreases in coronary failure, and increased fitness levels.25 When used in the treatment of early-stage stroke, ozone also demonstrated benefits, according to a German study. 26 Glaucoma was another condition for which scientists reported ozone's benefits, 27 and central nervous system disorders were also shown to be helped.(28) 

In orthopedics, ozone has a significant contribution to make, as reported by C.H. Siemsen, of Buxtehude, Germany.(29)  He stated that "The application of medical ozone in acute and chronic painful diseases of the joints is an alternative method of treatment for obtaining rapid pain relief, decongestion, subsidence of effusion, a reduction in temperature, and an increase in motility." Siemsen reported that a number of therapy-resistant painful joint conditions were recently treated with ozone for the first time, noting that the treatment is a low-risk one. 

The Cubans, in particular, seem to be keeping abreast of ozone's possibilities. Cuba's Ozone Research Center, at Havana's National Center for Scientific Research, recently investigated the cholesterol- lowering effect of the substance. F. Femandez and others reported on a positive effect found for ozone in cholesterol metabolism, as well as in the stimulation of the antioxidative defense system. (30)  Other researchers from Cuba reported on clinical improvements in humoral immunity for children who received ozone treatments. (31) 
Children with hearing loss benefited from ozone too, according to Cuban researcher E. Basabe and his colleagues. (32)  In a double-blind study with 34 children, hearing loss was reduced in the ozone-treated group. Ozonized oils were used in still other Cuban studies to successfully treat candidiasis 33 and giardiasis, a parasitic condition.(34) In yet another area, a report on the influence of ozone treatment in sports medicine gave details on improved aerobic performance in individuals receiving blood treatment and rectal insufflation of ozone.35 The allotrope's effects on intracellular metabolism and utilization of free fatty acids were credited here. An Italian paper seemed to back this up. E. Riva Sanseverino and P. Catellacci of the University of Bologna's Institute of Human Physiology summarized their findings thus: (38) 

"On the basis of the circulatory and biochemical positive effects of ... oxygen-ozone therapy, a study was programmed in order to check if physical activity in humans is improved by treatment with medical ozone administered by means of ... AHT. Preliminary observations indicate that physical activity, performed 12- 24 hours after one or several administrations of medical ozone, is improved by 8-12 percent."  

Other reports at Lille concerned dermatology in Russia, and how ozone is being successfully used there37; and ozone's disinfectant uses in oral surgery. (38,39)  So the wide-spectrum applicability of ozone therapy was certainly in evidence at the meeting.  
This is not to say that ozone's problems with acceptability by the mainstream were ignored at the Lille symposium. V. Bocci, of Italy's University of Siena Institute of General Physiology, acknowledged these in a general talk on ozone therapy. This modality is still only used legally in a handful of countries and American states, and Bocci, in a realistic overview of the therapy's status today, suggested some reasons why.(24)  

First, Bocci feels, the biological basis for ozone's therapeutic effectiveness needs to be further clarified. More study is definitely needed, but with a lack of support from the pharmaceutical industry, there's the ever-present funding problem. Bocci acknowledged too that reports of ozone's benefits have at times tended toward the subjective and anecdotal; this is a consequence of the fact that clinical experience with ozone, although vast, has remained limited to private practice. Bocci also acknowledges two other factors that have not worked in medical ozone's favor--unfortunately, some practitioners have used this modality improperly; and people are prejudiced against the concept of ozone because they have in mind the pollutant type. 
What the Future Holds 
Despite these problems, Bocci's assessment of ozone therapy today was an upbeat one. The general sense of his presentation was that this is a therapy that has already contributed so much, and that in the future will benefit people even more, providing some interesting investigative work along the way. These were some of his final remarks:  
"...Ozonated autohemotherapy performed with an optimized procedure represents a powerful therapeutic approach. Its main advantages are the lack of toxicity, often a feeling of well-being, and the equilibrated, although slow, stimulation of cytokine production accompanied by improved oxygenation and metabolism. Both in the treatment of neoplasia, particularly after chemotherapy, and of chronic viral diseases, the frequent report of well-being after treatment is relevant because the quality of life of these patients is generally poor. We are planning to investigate the reason for euphoria and we believe that it may be due to an immune-neuroendocrine response elicited by the ozonated blood. 
"On clinical grounds there is also the need to carry out extensive and well-controlled clinical trials in several diseases, including HIV infection. The treatment is simple to execute, safe, far less expensive than comparable procedures, and could be carried out easily... in Third-World countries, where it could be applied also to several parasitic diseases." 24  
In short, Bocci is optimistic about the future of ozone. He cites increased precision in ozone dosing, with reproducible delivery systems, as a plus for this healing technique. And he says that ozone is now considered a cytokine inducer, with immunorestoration potential. Indeed, the studies--both his own and those of other researchers--are there to back up this last contention. (16, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46) 
As the century draws to a close, this modality should become increasingly visible. The public is growing disenchanted with toxic and problematic "magic bullet" remedies, and more interested in holistic and natural approaches to health care. So it's only a matter of time before ozone comes into its own. 
1. Gary Null interview with Dr. John Pittman, 2/23/95. 
2. Gerard V. Sunnen, M.D., New York University-Bellevue Hospital Medical Center, "Ozone in medicine: Overview and future directions." Journal of Advancement in Medicine, 1988. 
3. Gary Null interview with Dr. Stanley Beyerle. 2/23/95. 
4. M.S. Harken, "Factors influencing the ozone interaction of enteric viruses in effluent." Ozone: Science and Engineering.1985, 6:235. 
5. Gary Null's interview with Nathaniel Altman. 4/13/95.  
6. Medical doctors interested in learning the technique can obtain Dr. Frank Shalienberger's video presentation by calling 1-800-468-0464. 
7. V, Bocci, "Autohemotherapy after treatment of blood with ozone: a reappraisal." The Journal of International Medical Research. 1994, Vol. 22, pp. 131-144. 
8. M. Konlee, "Updated information on ozone," HIV Treatment News, June 27. 1994, Report #6, p. 10. 
9. H.G. Knoch, W. Roschke, and W. Klug, "Ozone/oxygen therapy in proctology," OzoNachrichten. 1987, Vol. 6. 
10. M. Konlee, op. cit., p. 12. 
11. Gary Null's interview with Dr. Stanley Beyerle, 8/29/94. 
12. M.T.F. Carpendale, M.D., and J.K. Freeberg, "Ozone inactivates HIV at non-cytotoxic concentration." Journal of Antiviral Research, 1991. 
13. Manufactured by Hansler, Iffezheim, Germany. 
14. M.T. Carpendale, J. Freeberg, and J.M. Griffiss, "Does ozone alleviate AIDS diarrhea?" Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Sept, 1993, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 142-5. 
15. H. Kief, The treatment of viral diseases with ozone," Ludwugshafen Er fahrungsheilkunde, 1988. 
16. V. Bocci, "A reasonable approach for the treatment of HIV infection in the early phase with ozone therapy (autohemotherapy). How 'inflammatory' cytokines may have a therapeutic role," Institute of General Physiology and Nutritional Sciences, University of Siena.- Italy. 
17. H. Vetter, naturopathic practitioner, Hohenpdssenberg, Germany, "AlDS--can ozone help?" 
18. M. Konlee, "The fax from Houston," HlV Treatment News, June 24, 1994, Report #6, p. 7. 
19. M. Konlee, "Updated information on ozone," HIV Treatment News, June 27, 1994, Report #6, p. 13. 
20, Ibid., p. 15. 
21. M.-Th. Jacobs. "Untersuchung uber swischenfalle und typische kompiikationen in der ozon- sauerstoff-theraple," OzoNachrlchten, 1986, 1:5. 
22. M. Konlee, "Free radicals in HIV progression: Pycnogenol reverses their effects. A prelirninary report," HIV Treatment News, June 24, 1994, #6, p.5. 
23. "The wizard of ozone," Welcomat, Jan. 11, 1995, cover story. 
24. V, Bocci, Institute of General Physlology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, "Ozone Therapy," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine --Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15- 18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 13. 
25. R. Wong et al., "Ozonetherapy in Ischemic Cardlopathy," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 73. 
26. G. Wasser, Medical Association for Use of Ozone in Prevention and Therapy in Germany, "Additional Therapy of Cerebrovascular Disorder (Acute Brain Stroke) by Ozonc Therapy," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 91. 
27. S. Menendez, L. Ferrer, and Z. Perez. Ozone Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba. "Ozone Therapy and Magneto Therapy: New Methods for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Simple Chronic Glaucoma." Proceedings. Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, P. 99. 
28. Gomez Moraieda, "Ozone Therapy in the Functional Recovery from Diseases Involving Damage to Central Nervous System Cells," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18. 1995. Lille. France, p. 111. 
29. C.H. Siemsen, "The Use of Ozone in Orthopedics," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Liile, France, p. 125. 
30. F. Hernandez, S. Menendez, and I. Alvarez, National Center for Scientific Research. Ozone Research Center, Havana. Cuba. "Blood and Tissue Biochemical Study of Normal and Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits Treated with Ozone." Proceedings. Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995. Lille, France. p. 251. 
31. O. Menendez et al., Ozone Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana Central Pediatric Hospital, Havana, Cuba. "Application of Ozone Therapy in Children with Humoral Immunity Deficiency," Proceedings. Ozone in Medicine-- Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15- 18, 1995, Lille. France. p. 271. 
32. E. Basabe et al., Ozone Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba, "Ozone Therapy a Favoring Element in the Rehabilitation of Children with Hearing Loss," Proceedings. Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15- 18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 275.  
33. S. Menendez et al., Owne Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana. Cuba, "Application of Ozonized Oil in the Treatment of Vulvovaginitis Prellminary Study," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995. Lille, France, p. 283. 
34. S. Menendez et al., Owne Research Center, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba, "Application of Ozonized Oil in the Treatment of Infantile Giardiasis," Proceedings. Ozone in Medicine-- Tweflth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 297. 
35. J. Jakl, "Infiuence of Ozone Treatment in Sportsmedicine," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine-- Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 63. 
36. E. Riva Sanseverino and P. Castellacci, Institute of Human Physiology, University of Bologna. Bologna. Italy, "Oxygen-Ozone Therapy and Physical Activity in Humans," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille;France, p. 65. 
37. S.L. Krivatkin, A L. Gromov, and E.V. Krivatkina, Sormovo Interdistrict Dispensary, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. "Ozonetherapy in Outpatient Dermatological Practice," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille. France, p. 157. 
38. A. Fillippi, "Ozone in Oral Surgery--Current Status and Prospects," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995. Lille, France, P. 169. 
39. E.G. Beck, "Ozone in Preventive Medicine," Proceedings, Ozone in Medicine--Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association, May 15-18, 1995, Lille, France, p. 55. 
40. L. Paulesu, E. Luzzi. and V. Bocci, "1. Studies on the biological effects of ozone; 2. Induction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) on human leucocytes," Lyrnphokine and Cytokine Research 1991, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 409-412.  
41. J. Washuttl, and D. Rokitansky, Dosis-Wirkungsberelch der Ozontheraple, EKII, 32/1983. 815. 
42. V. Bocci, and L. Paulesu, Haematologica, 1990, 75, pp. 510-5. 
43. H. Kief, "Der katalytische Effekt der Owntherapie im peripheren Blut," Raum und Zeit. 1984. pp. 84- 92. 
44. H. Kief, "Derzeitiger Stand der Behandlung von HIV-positiven Patienten mit Ozon," Naturheilpraxis, 1988, pp. 1043- 1049. 
45. D. Jon Greenberg, Dr. med., International Society of Ozone Therapy Immunological Aspects of Ozone.  
46. R Viebahn-Hansler. "Ozone therapy: the underlying therapeutical concept and models of efficacy," Erfahrungsheilkunde. Apr. 1991. Vol. 40, No. 4. 


OZONE - BREATH OF LIFE  return to list

by Robert Willner, M.D.

OZONE (03) "Breath of God" (Ancient Hebrew)  

The discovery and naming of ozone is attributed to Christian Friedrich Schonbein in 1840.  Its value in  medicine was debated for many decades and references to its  use were sporadic.  Dr. Albert Wolf, a German physician  wrote in 1915. "As regards the medical usability of ozone, the viewpoint of experimental science may be considered as being in direct opposition to the practical experiences gained by industry."  He used ozone successfully in the treatment of decubitus ulcers.  During the First World War (1915) ozone gas was used to purify the drinking water of major cities since 1901.  The first was Vienna and the most  recent was Los Angeles.  It does not give water the disagreeable taste that chlorine does.  Although many authorities refer to it as poisonous and a hazard to life,  like anything else on this planet, if used properly it is beneficial - in fact life would become extinct without ozone in our atmosphere.  The breathing of inappropriate concentrations is indeed harmful to the lungs, but in proper concentrations it purifies the air we breath.  Home and industrial ozonators are used throughout the world (including the United States, to purify the air), and yet,  comments are being made publicly by authoritative figures that ozone is poisonous and a hazard to life.  This is indeed true if, as in the case of any substance on this earth, it is used in unsafe amounts. Statements of this nature are unjustified and fraudulent when they are intended to misinform or alarm the public in a way that would indicate that ozone is unsafe under any circumstances.  


Ozone is created by the action of ultraviolet light or a strong electrical field on oxygen atoms.  The result if the forcing together of 3 atoms into unstable groups (03) that rather quickly break down into the usual oxygen  molecule (02).  Ozone is lethal to almost all viruses, bacteria,  fungus and cancer cells. The scientific literature is replete with articles proving these facts.  Ozone is formed in our atmosphere naturally by the effect of lightning on oxygen.  It is that wonderful sweet smell that you can detect after a summer storm.  It is nature's method of cleansing our atmosphere of contamination.  The poisonous ozone levels reported effecting our cities differs dramatically in that it represents the combining of the extensive overwhelming pollution with ozone insufficient to do the job.  If you wonder why cancer rates have tripled in the last 20 years, consider this startling fact:  The oxygen level of the air we breathed 200 years ago is much higher than it is today. (From the work of LaVosier - the discoverer of oxygen and current figures.  

In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in biochemistry.  Dr. Warburg demonstrated that the metabolism of a cancer cell was like that of a plant cell, which thrives on carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen as its waste product.  It actually represents the process of fermentation.  We are composed of animal cells and oxygen is essential for our assimilation of nutrients and the detoxification and elimination of waste products.  When ozone is introduced into the bloodstream, it is converted into oxygen, hydroxyperoxides  and other beneficial free radical scavengers which actually seek out and destroy diseased cells. 
Nearly 50 years later, the prestigious journal SCIENCE,  VOL. 209, 22 AUGUST 1980, published a paper entitled: OZONE SELECTIVELY INHIBITS GROWTH OF HUMAN CANCER CELLS.  This paper dealt with the exposure of human lung, breast, and uterine cancer tissue to ozone at concentrations of 0.3 to 0.8 parts per million, well within the non-toxic limits tolerated safely during the average ten minute period that medically administered ozone takes and concentrations far less than that are used.  In the experiments, normal human cells were not effected at these levels.  The modern development of ozone application in medicine gained impetus in the 1950's in Europe, and its use gradually spread throughout Europe to Australia, Israel, and Brazil.  

INTRA-VENOUS OZONE GAS is extremely safe and effective against all infections. The earliest evidence that I could locate of ozone's recommendation as therapy in the United States, appeared in an 1885 issue of the Journal of the Dade County Medical Association.  In spite of this and many other references prior to 1920, the FDA has illegally raided and confiscated ozone generators from the offices of advanced (alternative) physicians.  Ozone is classified as a toxic gas if inhaled in large quantities.  However, it is not toxic when injected slowly into the body by intra-arterial injections, I.V.,  intramuscularly, subcutaneously or by vaginal or rectal insufflation.  Ozone has no side effects when administered,  using these methods, in the proper quantities and  concentrations.  It does not effect healthy cells of any type adversely under those conditions.  

It is obvious why it is lethal to cancer cells.  The cancer (plant) cell is being given toxic waste product, while our normal cells are being given their essential for life.  Individuals receiving ozone for the first time are usually apprehensive.  It is scary to have "air" injected into their veins.  They have images of dying from an air embolus.  Almost everyone seems to recollect a murder mystery in which the villain killed his victim that way in the hopes of committing the perfect crime.  It will never happen in real life because:  
1.  Nitrogen would have to be present in order to cause a  toxic reaction and therapeutically only pure medical  grade oxygen is used.   It would take at least 50 cc of gas given within 2 to 3 seconds.  That cannot even be accomplished with a very  large bore 18 gauge needle.  The procedure is done with  a fine 25 gauge needle.  Death could only occur  intentionally, never accidentally.  

Specific therapeutic applications of ozone include the treatment of circulatory problems, decubitus ulcers, some forms of cancer (still under investigation as to how many),  AIDS, viral diseases, wounds, scars, burns, gangrene and liver disease including hepatitis.  Ozone is the only substance known which is virucidal, bactericidal,  fungicidal, protozoacidal and cancericidal.  Over 1,000 medical papers exist in the world medical literature attesting to its efficacy in the treatment of disease in many tens of thousands of patients.  Typically it has been ignored in America because it cannot be patented.  Therefore, it is not profitable for the pharmaceutical industry to spend the millions of dollars necessary to prove its effectiveness by FDA standards.  It would reap scorn and outrage of incredible proportions if the truth were known.  The pharmaceutical industry and the FDA confuse and distort the role of ozone in our ecosystem and  suppress its use therapeutically (even though, under law,  it should be "grandfathered in").  In addition to the many articles on the use of ozone in medicine, there are medical texts such as "THE USE OF OZONE IN MEDICINE" by Prof. Siegfried Rilling, M.D. and Renate Viebahn, Ph.D., and medical organizations in the major industrial nations of the world dedicated to the education and instruction of its use.  

A WORLD OZONE CONFERENCE has been held frequently since the early 1970's, the most recent was held in San Francisco (1993), and was attended by hundreds of doctors from many countries.  Russia sent seven scientists to present papers on their discoveries of its application.  In no other science does acceptance take as long as it does in medicine.  The use of deep freezing techniques took over 80 years and television over 30 years, but in medicine, where human life is at stake, it can take 150 years and maybe never if there is no profit to be made.  Fortunately for mankind, there are still countries where investigation into non-drug, non- patentable, non-toxic and inexpensive therapies are still being carried out.   

The PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORLD OZONE CONFERENCES have documented and published the techniques and dosages of ozone for its beneficial use in the following conditions.  Cancer (Carcinoma),  Spastic Colon, Arterial Thrombosis, Osteomyelitis, Acne, Proctitis Bladder Fistula,  Wounds, Ulcers, Varicosities, Radiation burns, Phlebitises, Parkinson's, Ulcerative Colitis, Mucous Colitis, Chronic Cystitis Colitis, Chronic Cystitis, Coli Infections, Chronic Hepatitis, Hemorrhoids, Anal Eczema, Arthritis Intrarectal insufflation is excellent for diarrhea and candidiasis (in women intravaginal insufflation is also effective), and it is applied in this manner when intravenous administration is impractical or unavailable.  As long as the lobbyists and influence peddlers for the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA are able to convince our representatives that anything outside of the mainstream of medicine is either useless, fraudulent or dangerous,  many safe, non toxic and effective therapies will be denied to the public.  Our representatives must be made aware that although the safety is not usually the problem, proof of efficacy by the double-blind standard is economically prohibitive.  In those instances where such proof has been offered, fraudulent tactics by the opposition have resulted in blocking the use of some incredible therapies.  If you want to know what benefits ozone bestows in disease,  ask the doctors and patients who have used it - but, of course, that's anecdotal!!!  

Virtually every patient's room in a modern hospital is equipped for the administration of oxygen.  Certainly, an emergency room cannot be without one because it is required by law.  Deep breathing exercises are prescribed for patients with lung problems and for individuals recovering  from surgery.  The narrow use of these techniques are indeed unfortunate, they should be routine for all patients.  The local gymnasiums and health spas routinely employ the proper use of deep breathing exercises.  The average person takes their respiration for granted.  There are large religious cults who incorporate consciousness of breathing as an important ritual of their beliefs.  Indians refer to breathing as an important ritual of their beliefs.  Indians refer to "Prana" as a wonderful substance that God has provided for a healthy life.  Certainly, Prana is oxygen, or possibly even ozone.  Both aptly fit their description.  Obviously, chronic and gradual oxygen  deprivation on metabolism is devastating and leads to an inadequate processing of the toxic wastes that our bodies are constantly producing.  One of the consequences of lowered oxygen concentration is the elevation of uric acid in the body.  This one compound alone, is implicated in a wide variety of metabolic problems.  The most common disease associated with uric acid disorder is gout and it is primarily due to an inability to process meat protein.  However, the far reaching effects on almost every system of the body gives us an indication of the widespread effect that a low-grade increase can have.  The formation of a stone in the kidneys and gallbladder, the blocking of circulation and the destruction of joints by the formation of crystals are just a few of the problems that arise.  There are literally hundreds of known biochemical reactions in the body that utilize oxygen.  There are probably many thousands more waiting to be discovered.  Acute deprivation of oxygen leads to a rapid death. We are getting there more quickly than we should.  The importance of oxidative processes is discussed more fully elsewhere, but the relationship with the development and progress of cancer is no longer in doubt.  The use of ozone appears to go beyond the benefit of oxygen in the treatment of disease.  The production of electromagnetic energy at the molecular level, as the ozone molecule disassociates into oxygen,  undoubtedly plays a role in its usefulness in therapy.  Permit me to list just a few of the proven effects of ozone.  

1.  Ozone activates the enzymes involved in peroxide or   oxygen "free radical" destruction i.e. glutathione,  catalase, s.o.d.  
2.  Accelerates glycolysis (breakdown of glycogen) in RGSs,  thus it:  
  Increases the release of 02 from the hemoglobin in  the blood to the tissues.  
  Enhances formation of acetyl coenzyme-a, which is   vital in metabolic detoxification.  
  Influences the mitochondrial transport system which  enhances the metabolism of all cells and safeguards  against mutagenic changes. 
  d.  Increases red blood cell pliability, blood fluidity  and arterial P02 (oxygen content) and   a decrease in  rouleaux formation (clumping) which interferes with  the normal functioning   of red blood cell  metabolism.  
3.  Increases leukocytosis (production of the white blood   cells) and phagocytosis (the manner in which certain   white blood cells destroy foreign matter).  Both   processes are part of the immune defense system.  
4.  Stimulates the reticulo-endothelial system, the   rebuilding of tissue.  
5.  Strong germicide - inactivates enteroviruses, coliform   bacteria, saphylococcus aureus and aeromona  hydrophilia.  
6.  Disrupts the cell envelope of many pathogenic organisms  which are composed of phospholipids, peptidoglycans and  polysaccharides.  
7.  Opens the circular plasmid DNA which lessens bacterial   proliferation.  
8.  Fungicidal, inhibits candida cell growth.  
9.  Low doses stimulate the immune system.  
10. High doses inhibit the immune system.  
11. Limit dose to 3,000 ug.  

The information for this article is culled from the hundreds of papers presented at the World Conferences on Ozone.  The scarcity of information available in the major medical journals is testimony to the power of the Pharmaceutical industry.  With good reason,  they have established a wall of silence and welcome the dissemination of falsehoods about the effects of ozone.  They have an entire market of antibiotics that are at odds with ozone therapy.  My conversations with practitioners in several countries, including the United States, confirms the remarkable results that I observed first-hand in my own practice. 


The Politics of AIDS and Ozone  return to list

By Thomas Levy, MD From " Extraordinary Science" Jul-Sep 1994

Possibly one of the best therapies ever discovered for AIDS, other infectious diseases, and most degenerative, or chronic illnesses (including cancer) is oxygen therapy, especially in the form of properly used ozone therapy. The main "drawbacks" in any form of ozone therapy are its simplicity and its minimal cost. The medical industry relies on therapies that are costly and require substantial expertise in their administration. Anything that comes along that appears clinically effective while remaining inexpensive is viewed skeptically, at best. The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds. In the Federal Register of 2/13/76, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) asserted that "Ozone" is a toxic gas with no know medical uses."(1) 

When ozone is formed from ordinary air exposed to electrical discharge or ultraviolet light, other toxic gasses, such as nitrogen oxides, are formed as well. Ozone therapies use ozone generated from pure, medical grade oxygen. The toxicity question, then, is a potential point of misunderstanding. However, stating ozone has no known medical uses is nothing short of sheer lunacy.  

Ozone has been used successfully on scores of diseases in Europe, especially Germany, for over 50 years. Over 6,000 articles on the medical usage's of ozone are in the world literature. Nearly every disease process responds favorably to any therapy that effectively increases cellular oxygen content. Furthermore, the safety profile of proper administration is virtually unparalleled. I had the opportunity to witness multiple intravenous ozone treatments in the office of Dr. Horst Kief in West Germany. It is a very simple, very safe procedure. In a survey of German ozone therapists, 5,579,238 ozone treatments on 384,775 patients demonstrated a side effect rate of only 0.0007%, and the side effects were uniformly minor and not even remotely life-threatening. On the other hand, over a million patients are hospitalized annually in the US due to side effects of prescription medication, and over 100,000 of such individual die from such drug usage. If one person in the US dies even indirectly from the usage of a vitamin product or an herbal concoction, the FDA quickly moves to outlaw accessibility to such a product, but they remain strangely blinded to the carnage wrought annually by our pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Hans Nieper, an ozone-using doctor in Hanover, Germany, reports that in his medical practice on colon cancer he sees an interesting assemblage of American VIP's: 

You wouldn't believe how many officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe directors of the American Medical Association, or American Cancer Association, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. That's the fact.  
(2) Very, very gradually mainstream American researchers are "testing the ozone waters" In 1991 a main journal for the American Society of Hematology, Blood, published an article demonstrating that ozone treatment inactivated human retroviruses  
( including HIV) in human body fluids and blood product preparations. The researchers concluded 

"Ozone has potent anti-HIV-1 activity in cell culture media and factor V!!! preparations. Although the exact mechanism by which ozone mediates its effect remains unclear at this time, it is readily apparent that ozone may be of use in rendering factor VIII and possibly other blood products, both proteinaceous and cellular, free of HIV-1 and other infectious agents."  


Ozone Therapy: Breakthrough for Back Treatment  return to list
 By Gaetano Morello, N.D.


Ozone, the gas that protects us from the sun's damaging rays but becomes toxic when inhaled, is experiencing a resurgence on the North American medical community.  We are all familiar with the ozone layer and how it's thinning due to chloroflourocarbons.  But the reality is that ozone production in the upper atmosphere depends on the amount of energy coming from the sun.  During peaks of solar activity, ozone is created at a greater rate.  During low periods in the sunspot cycle, the ozone layer is thinner.  At night, on the dark side of the planet, the ozone layer disappears over a period of a few hours. 

The layer is reformed as the sun rises in the morning.  There is no ozone over the poles in the winter, because there is no sunlight.  Ozone is continuously being produced in the upper atmosphere as long as sunlight is present, and since ozone is heavier than air, it begins to fall towards the earth.  As it falls, it combines with any pollutant it contacts, cleaning the air. When ozone contacts water vapor as it falls, it forms hydrogen peroxide, a component of rainwater, and this is the reason why rainwater causes plants to grow better than irrigation.  Lightening also creates ozone; it is the ozone that gives air that fresh smell after a rainfall.

Therapeutic action of ozone

In medicine, ozone has a number of well-established properties: it is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.  The largest commercial use of ozone is in the purification of water.  When you buy your next gallon jug of water at the grocery store, the label will say, "ozone treated".  Both the FDA and EPA certify that ozone destroys 99.9992 percent of all pathogenic germs, while oxidizing (destroying) 99.9992 percent of all pollutants in the water at the same time.

A new discovery for the treatment of herniated disc: The Discosan method

In Germany, over 7,000 doctors utilize ozone in the treatment of various diseases.

In Italy, orthopedic surgeons who used to perform surgery on herniated discs are now using a special mixture of ozone to treat the pathology of this condition.  Dr. Cesare Verga (orthopedic surgeon) developed the system in 1984 and has treated over 6,000 patients.  Dr. Verga claims that surgery really doesn't address the underlying cause.  As a matter of fact, it offsets the biomechanics of the spine.  Ozone, or the "Discosan method" (as it is known in Italy), represents a new approach in the treatment of herniated discs which resolves both the biological and biomedical aspect of the pathology. Dr. Verga states that this approach has a success rate of over 95 percent.  Some of the principal characteristics that make this method so unique are the following:

    1.No contraindications

    2.Over 95 percent success rate.

    3.Virtually zero recovery time.

    4.No side effects.


The treatment consists of injections of a special mixture of ozone and oxygen applied around the herniated zone.  At the beginning, the therapy requires two treatments per week for a period of one to two months.

On average, a total of 14 treatments are required, depending on the patient.  The Discosan method has even been shown efficacious in cases where surgery couldn't even alleviate the discomfort.  An interesting analogy used in the Italian medical circles is that ozone will mean for herniated discs is what 'ranitidine' meant for ulcers.

One of the main questions often asked about the Discosan method is: "How does this method work?"  When we look at the anatomy of an intervertebral disc, we see an outer fibrous covering and an inner soft (pulposis) nucleus, much like a ripe cantaloupe with a hard outer shell and soft fruit inside.  A herniation occurs when trauma ruptures a part of this outer fibrous covering, most commonly in the lumbosacral and cervical regions.  This then causes the soft inner region to protrude and compress a nerve root, causing the pain associated with a herniated disc.  The Discosan method addresses this pathology by three different modes of action:

    1.The ozone-oxygen mixture has specific action on the protruding pulposus, by acting on a molecular level on the bonds holding this herniation together.  This in turn causes a reduction in the herniation.

    2.The method brings about a microvascularization to this area,  therefore bringing more blood supply and oxygen to the region, all essential for healing.  Dr. Verga also claims that ozone brings more fibroblasts to the area, which will help heal the pathology around the annulus fibrosus.

    3.Reduces the edema in the area which can also contribute to the compression and inflammation.


The whole concept of treating a herniated disc without surgery is an exciting one.  The fact that the Discosan method has some sound scientific principals gives real hope to people suffering from this debilitating condition.

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