Use of Ozone in Dentistry - Ask A Dentist!!
ACIMD - American College for Integrative Medicine and Dentistry
Dentists => Ask Dr. Robert Harris DDS About How to Use Ozone in Dentistry !
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Dr. Robert Harris, DMD, NMD
So many professionals have so many questions about
Ozone Therapy in Dentistry that the staff at Oxygen
Healing Therapies.com can not keep up. Email Dr. Harris
at: ozoneanswers@gmail.com
We are pleased to announce that Dr.
Robert E. Harris Jr., DMD, one of the Directors of
the American College
of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry and a renowned
expert on the use of Ozone in Dentistry has agreed
to answer your questions. Dr. Harris teaches over 30 "Ozone
in Dentistry" courses every year and he has been
using Ozone Therapy in his dental practice for over
12 years.
With this level of experience you know that Dr. Harris' answers
will be professional, to the point, and accurate. You are receiving
answers from the expert!
Send your questions to Dr. Robert Harris at this address:
ozoneanswers@gmail.com. Dr. Harris does travel extensively
and also runs his own busy practice, so please provide him
with a few days to reply to your email.
Please note that Dr. Harris will only be answering questions
from Dentists regarding the Use of Ozone in a Dental Practice.
He unfortunately can not answer questions from patients. If
you are a patient and would like more information about Ozone
in Dentistry please read the information posted on this site
and also ask your dentist to become involved in using ozone.
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