Ozone Therapy Certification Course: Oxygen / Ozone Therapy
Dental Medicine
AGD Credits = 14 (AGD Subject Code 162)
Educational Goals:
Successfully Arrest Dental and other Oral
Infection (Bone & Soft Tissue) without Toxic Side Effects
Comprehensive Training in Procedures to Arrest Caries (Treatment and Prevention),
Periodontal Disease, and Enhance the Outcome of Endodontal Therapy (eliminate
current infections, prevent future infections)
Surface Disinfection for All Bonding Procedures => Enhancement of Surface
Bonding and Reduction in Post-Prep Sensitivity
Integration of Safe and Effective Oxygen / Ozone Therapy Methods and Procedures
into Daily Practice (Hands On Workshop)
Review the Literature and Understand the Biophysics, Biochemistry, Physiology,
and Applications of Oxygen / Ozone Therapy
Dates and Locations Please see the "Locations" Page by Clicking
Manuals, Breakfast and Lunch both days, Friday evening dinner
Register Now !
One: 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
- 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 - 12:00 pm The Foundations of Ozone Therapy. Topics
Included (but not limited to....)
What is Oxygen/Ozone Therapy?
Why is it safe and effective?
How is Oxygen/Ozone produced?
What is the history of Oxygen/Ozone Therapy?
Why is Oxygen/Ozone anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
and anti-parasitic?
How does Oxygen/Ozone produce a beneficial biochemical and
physiologic response in the human body?
Why does the human immunologic system benefit so much from
Oxygen/Ozone Therapy?
Antibodies have been shown to produce ozone in the immune
response. How does this process occur?
Cellular membrane integrity and oxidation, what is the relationship
and how does it benefit us.
- 1:00 pm Catered Lunch
- 2:00 Topics:
/ Ozone Safety and Hygiene
Oxygen / Ozone Instrument Orientation and Specifications
- 5:00 Foundational
External Ozone Therapies and Clinical Application. Topics Included:
Why is Nasal Insufflation so effective in sinus,
upper repiratory, and lung infections...and just as importantly,
why is it safe to use ozone for these infections?
How to Treat Symptomatic Teeth with Nasal Insufflation of
Ozone, and why is this an appropriate, non-toxic and effective
approach? (Teaser: Why is it that up to 80% of patients with
dental pain, find
of that
after an
Could it be that the pain was not dental related, but sinus
Understand the Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry of this
Protocol Specifications and Implementation.
Ear Insufflation Therapy:
Why treat the ears with Oxygen/Ozone Therapy for TMD and/or
Dental Symptoms?
Why this is considered a foundational therapy
Understand the basic anatomy, physiology, biochemistry of this
Protocol Specifications and Implementation.
Implementation of External Therapies in the
Clinical Setting: Hands On Application and Workshop
In the clinical Setting each student will configure the oxygen/ozone
instrument for both nasal and ear insufflation. Once the configuration
of the instrumentation is complete and understood, each student
(posing as the doctor) will then treat a fellow student (posing
as the patient) and also receive an actual treatment.
Day Two: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Applications
Specific to Dentistry
a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Clinical Review:
Ozone Instrument Configuration Applications
The Power of Properly Prepaired Ozonated Water: The Basics
of Hydration Therapy
1. Creation of Ozonated Water - this sounds like a simple topic
with a simple answer (ie. just expose ozone to water). However,
attendees will learn that although ozonated water is one of
the most useful tools you will ever use in a dental practice,
ozonated water is also usually misprepared and mishandled by
those who are not educated in the proper protocols. You will
learn the details of the equipment and protocols that
are necessary to ensure the 'ozonated water' you create actually
contains ozone, what concentrations
it contains, and how to handle the water to ensure it is effective.
2. Treatment of Biofilm in the dental office with ozone and
ozonated water. Nothing you can do about biofilm you say? Not
any more. Use ozonated water to resolve all
BioFilm issues and offer your patients the treatment and safety they deserve.
Oxygen/Ozone Informed Consent, Why? And How?
Each student will receive an Informed Consent form on CD-ROM that can be modified
with their own office information.
This informed consent has been reviewed and approved by some of the nation’s
leading state board attorneys and dental/legal authorities. In addition, this
informed consent is approved by the American College of Integrative Medicine
and Dentistry, Institutional Review Board for Human Studies.
10:00 a.m. – 12:00
p.m. The Treatment of Periodontal Disease with Oxygen / Ozone
How can we arrest (and prevent) periodontal disease with only
oxygen, ozone and water?
Why is Oxygen/Ozone so effective against periodontal disease?
Why does Oxygen / Ozone Therapy dramatically reduce tartar
buildup and why is the tartar that forms completely different
than 'standard' tartar?
How is ozonated water utilized in the treatment of periodontal
disease and why is it so superior to any and all other methods?
What is ozonated olive oil and how is it used in the treatment
of periodontal disease?
What is the specific procedure for the arrestment of periodontal
disease in patients?
How to enhance soft tissue management.
How to perform the total arch insufflation technique, a comprehensive
preventive and therapeutic treatment.
How to perform proper home care with enhanced outcomes.
p.m. – 1:00
p.m. Catered Luncheon
1:00 p.m. – 2:00
p.m. Caries Arrestment and Tooth Structure Surface Preparation
Learn how to create the
ideal bonding surface.
How can we arrest caries with Oxygen/Ozone Therapy?
How can we offer the patient ongoing caries prevention with
Oxygen / Ozone Therapy?
How to apply Oxygen/Ozone in cavity preps, crown preps, and
root sensitivites.
How to prevent the need for endodontics if there is a carious
or mechanical exposure.
How to utilize Oxygen/Ozone in pit and fissure sealants.
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Utilization of Oxygen / Ozone in
Why it is so difficult
to eliminate infection in endodontically treated teeth with
standard protocols? Why does ozone make
this soooo easy?
Review of the embryology, histology and anatomy of the dentition.
Are all root canals toxic? Can we 'sterilize' and infected
root canal with ozone and preserve the health of the tooth,
bone, and patient?
What is the science behind root canals and their outcome?
How we test for toxicity in root canals?
How to use ozone to ensure we provide a safe and effective
root canal utilizing this new standard of care.
Procedures for treatment of new and previous treated root canal
3:30 p.m. – 3:45
p.m. Refreshment Break
3:45 p.m. – 4:00
p.m. Oral Surgical Applications:
Osteonecrosis of the jaw – Infective and Bisphosphonate
induced => cured with Ozone?
Enhancement of post-extraction outcomes with Oxygen/Ozone Therapy.
How to increase lymphatic stimulation and drainage.
Treatment protocol for tonsils and associated soft tissue.
4:00 p.m. – 5:00
p.m. Clinical Application Hands On Workshop:
Each student will have the opportunity to apply the skills
taught in the lecture session in the clinical setting.
5:00 pm. Presentation of Continuing Education Credits and
Final Questions
You owe
it to yourself and your patients to Register
Now! Or Call Pam @ 1-201-587-0222 for more information. |