Ozone Generator Guides

Ozone Generator Buying: International Experts speak out: Quartz Glass Electrodes are Best


Many different technologies exist for creating ozone gas, however 99% of these technologies are not suitable for ‘Ozone Therapy’ because there can be toxins in the ozone. Find out how to protect yourself here….

A few years ago 21 of the world’s experts on Ozone Therapy got together at an ozone conference and decided there was a need for some international guidelines on the proper equipment to use for ozone therapy, and the proper protocols (methods of applying the ozone). This need was evident from the fact that in most countries there are no official ozone generator manufacturing standards issued by the local governments, so someone had to step in to protect the public. From this common goal The International Scientific Committee of Ozonotherapy (ISCO3.org) was created.

As one of their first official acts to guide the public on safety in ozone, the ISCO3.org  created a document in 2014 called “Guidelines and Recommendations for Medical Professionals Planning to Acquire a Medical Ozone Generator” (1).

Basically this is a buyer’s guide for anyone wishing to buy an ozone generator for Ozone Therapy. On Page 5, Paragraph 6 of their "Guidelines" these ozone therapy experts clearly state:

The material of which the electrodes [inside the ozone generator] are made must be of highest quality so as to be able to withstand long term and frequent exposure to the high electrical energy as well as the oxidation which may be caused by ozone. The most recommended material for these electrodes is quartz glass.

Are they alone in this recommendation?

No, The American Academy of Ozonotherapy, (aaot.us) is an American organization formed in 2012 with the purpose of protecting doctors and patients using ozone therapy. As part of their mandate they too created a list that you should use in order to choose a safe ozone generator, part of that list states:

“No [ozone] generator for human or animal use (in office or at home) must be constructed of any substances that come into contact with ozone other than: quartz glass, kynar, Teflon, or silicone. (This includes all other materials [that should NOT be used] such as ceramic, other plastics, aluminum, and steel.)”

Why the concern? The concern is that Ozone can be full of toxins if not created properly…

One of the ways to keep people safe is to ensure those using ozone therapy only use clean pure contaminant free ozone. Unfortunately most ozone generators around the world are not capable of producing clean ozone, that is, the ozone is most likely full of toxins dangerous to you, the patient.

Why not? Well, interest in Ozone Therapy (the medical use of ozone gas) has risen dramatically over the last 5 years and with it the demand has risen for ozone generators. Many companies, hoping to “cash in” on this growing demand for ozone generators, are manufacturing cheap ozone generators from inappropriate (ie. dangerous) materials and then making claims that their ozone generators can be used for Ozone Therapy.

The different technologies used to create ozone can be confusing to a practitioner or home owner with no background in electronics and chemistry, so international experts at the ISCO3.org and the AAO stepped in to keep you, the owner or patient, safe.

Isn’t all “Ozone” just Ozone? How can ozone from one machine be different from another?

When using ozone therapy the point is to create ozone gas and then put it into your body. Various technologies can be used to make the ozone and the basis for all of these technologies is to expose oxygen to energy. When oxygen (O2) meets energy (electricity), some of the oxygen is turned into ozone (O3). This ozone is then collected and put into your body in a very controlled manner. (See the related article: Ozone Therapy Applications, by Jeffrey Taylor)

Most materials used today to create consumer electronics can easily be destroyed by ozone gas, such as metals, rubber, plastics, ceramics, nylon, etc. If the ozone comes into contact with any of these materials those materials will be slowly destroyed, and the byproducts of that destruction are toxic.

Only a very few materials are considered ‘ozone resistant’ (listed in the AAO statement above) and unfortunately they tend to be far more expensive than the materials that are not ozone resistant (like plastic, metal, rubber). So if a company wants to sell ozone generators into this market, and their sole motivation is to make as much money as possible, do you think they will use the ozone resistant materials that are expensive, or the materials that ozone can destroy, which are cheap? (see the related article here: Ozone Electrodes).

Is it really that important? Do I really need to care?

Well, think about this carefully. If you are putting Ozone into your body to recover from a chronic condition, bacterial infection, diseases such as Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, to prevent illness or aging, doesn’t it make sense that you would want to use ozone that contains no impurities, no toxins? (the ozone containing the toxins could just make you sicker).

If you are searching for an ozone generator for ozone therapy keep the advice of the ISCO3.org and the AAO in mind and make sure you are purchasing an ozone generator that only allows ozone resistant materials to come into contact with the ozone. Only this way can you be sure that you, your family, your patients are safe.

References (copy any links provided and paste them into the address bar of your browser):
1. isco3.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/generators-final-july-2014.pdf
2. aaot.us

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