Several dozen AIDS patients have not only reversed their death
sentences, but are now back at work, completely free of the disease.
They destroyed the virus in their blood by hyper-oxygenation,
known in various forms as oxygen therapy, bio-oxidative therapy
or autohemotherapy and ozone therapy. This is a simple, inexpensive
and very broad- spectrum process that many feel could force a
complete overhaul of the medical industry.
It turns out that the AIDS virus cannot tolerate high oxygen
levels in its victim's blood. Not only that, every other disease
organism tested so far has the same weakness. Even cancer growths
contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently
increased in the fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic.
AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr, cytomegalovirus and other
lipid envelope virus are readily destroyed by hyper-oxygenating
the patient's blood with ozone. This was demonstrated by Dr.
Horst Kief in Bad Hersfeld, West Germany. Dr. Kief has already
cured a number of AIDS victims by drawing blood, infusing it
with ozone and returning it to the patient, at regular intervals
until all the virus is gone. Dr. S. Rilling of Stuttgart and
Dr. Renate Viebahn of Iffezheim are among the growing number
of physicians who have obtained similar results with their patients.
They are with Arztlich Gesellschaft fur Ozonetherapies and JrJ
Hansler F+GmbH, respectively.
The Basics of Bio-Oxidative Therapies
For many years the health sciences have been seeking to identify
the primary physical cause of diseases, and the cure-all that
this basic principal would yield. Now both have been found,
but their utter simplicity makes them difficult to accept at
first, since it seems like if it's that easy, we should have
been using them all along.
Our bodies are composed mostly of water, which is eight-ninths
oxygen. Most nutritional studies tend to get caught up in the
small details of biochemistry and overlook our most abundant
and essential element, and the fundamental role of its depletion
in causing illness. Of all the elements the body needs, only
oxygen is in such constant demand that its absence brings death
in minutes.
The main difference, for healing purposes, between benign microorganisms
(including our own cells), and those, which cause disease, is
that the later require much lower oxygen levels. This is due
to their more primitive evolutionary origins, during the ages
when free oxygen was far less abundant. Now their descendants
can only survive in low oxygen environments such as accompany
stagnation and decay. To become a growth medium for such parasites,
one has to have allowed the oxygen saturation of the bodies fluids
to drop well below the optimum level for healthy cell growth
and function.
The simplest substance available for restoring one's oxygen
balance to a healthy range is ozone (03). Ozone is highly toxic
when concentrated, which has tended to obscure their germicidal
value except as a skin antiseptic. But when in the correct therapeutic
levels, it in not only non-toxic but uniquely beneficial.
Ozone Blood Treatment
Ozone overcomes the AIDS virus by a fundamentally different process
than usually attempted by drugs. Instead of burdening the liver
and immune system with more elaborate toxic substances, ozone
simply oxidizes the molecules in the shell of the virus.
The treatment is remarkably simple. The ozone is produced by
forcing oxygen through a metal tubecarrying a 300 volt charge.
A pint of blood is drawn from the patient and placed in an infusion
bottle. The ozone is then forced into the bottle and mixed in
by shaking gently, whereupon the blood turns bright cardinal
red. As the ozone molecules dissolve into the blood they give
up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy which
destroys all lipid-envelope virus, and apparently all other disease
organisms as well, while leaving blood cells unharmed.
It also oxygenates the blood to a greater degree than is usually
reached, what with poor air and sluggish breathing habits. The
treated blood is then given back to the patient. This treatment
is given from twice a week to twice a day, depending on how advanced
the disease is. The strengthened blood confers some of its virucidal
properties to the rest of the patient's blood as it disperses.
The disease will not return, as long as the patient maintains
his blood in an oxygen positive state, through proper breathing,
exercise, and clean diet.
A Dr. Preuss, in Stuttgart, has written up ten
case histories of AIDS patients he has cured by this method.
But his and the
other physicians' reports are all anecdotal rather than in the
form of "Controlled studies", since they could not
be expected to treat some patients and deny treatment to others
just for the purpose of accumulating evidence. Thus their results
are not considered "proof" by the US medical community.
Eating, Fasting and Oxygen Balance
Overeating is so common in the US it's considered "normal".
One cause is the widespread use of oral antibiotics. While destroying
the target germs, these drugs also kill off one's intestinal
flora, which are needed for healthy digestion. With these friendly
bacteria gone, digestive efficiency plummets. As a result, the
sensation of hunger comes more often and lasts longer, as the
body tries to compensate for ineffective digestion by increasing
the amounts consumed.
Even just eating daily, without ever giving the gastro-intestinal
tract a rest, loads down the blood with toxins and impurities,
especially uric acid crystals. Under a microscope these resemble
tiny coffin lids, interestingly enough, another clue to our Creator's
whimsical sense of humor. When the waste products exceed the
cleansing capacity of the kidney's, the blood ends up just having
to haul it around the body and stash it wherever possible. These
toxins literally take up so much room in the blood cells that
the cells can't take on enough oxygen when pass through the lungs.
The bloods primary
function of picking up and distributing oxygen gets blocked by
overuse of garbage-hauling function.
Fasting restores health by giving the overload blood cells a
chance to dump the toxins and inert matter through normal organs
of elimination at a rate they can handle, instead of through
the skin, as in acne, or other inappropriate places. If the fast
is long enough, accumulated residues in the body are also scoured
out and expelled, giving a considerable spiritual resurgence
once all the backlog is cleared away. While the debris is flushed
out, various toxic reactions may come and go. Once the blood
is cleansed the red corpuscles have a lot more room for oxygen
molecules, the oxygen saturation of the molecules is high, and
health and energy are boosted considerably. Each breath now gives
more life than it was able to in the bloods earlier state.
Most long-lived native peoples, who are not affected by our
more common diseases, either include fasting as a regular part
of their yearly food cycles, or eat much less overall, than industrial
Today many Americans are existing at such high levels of toxicity,
that their toxic reactions when attempting to fast can seem intense
enough to make them start eating again before any serious cleansing
can be accomplished. Fortunately one can partially by pass the
lungs and get the blood level back up, by taking oxygenated water
internally and through the skin. Several weeks of detoxification
of this regimen will also make it much easier to fast without
discomfort, if one chooses. It reduces appetite, logically enough,
to a level more in line with the body's actual needs.
Ozone may even cure stupidity
Perhaps the greatest potential benefit is the reversal of the
slight brain damage caused by long-term oxygen depletion, which
can be observed in the "average" human, and is not
always all that slight. It's well known that after about nine
minutes of no oxygen, you can kiss your brain good-bye. The
implications of constant gradual oxygen starvation in our cities
somehow escape notice, despite the tiredness, depression, irritability,
poor judgement and health problems affecting so many citizens.
Increasing the oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system
will reverse these conditions. Ozone therapy improves alertness,
reflexes, memory and apparently intelligence, and may offer the
elderly a new weapon against senility and related disorders.
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are reported to be responding to